Module Contents

class BME688(temperature_osr=8, humidity_osr=2, pressure_osr=4, iir_filter_size=3, temperature_offset=0, enable_gas_measurements=False, gas_heater_temperature=320, gas_heater_duration=150, address=None, bus=None)

Pressure, humidity, temperature and gas sensor.

Builds on top of the library bme680.

  • temperature_osr (int) – Temperature oversampling rate. Allowed values: [None, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]. A higher oversampling value means more stable sensor readings with less noise and jitter However each step of oversampling adds about 2ms to the latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients. Defaults to 8.

  • humidity_osr (int) – Humidity oversampling rate. Allowed values: [None, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]. A higher oversampling value means more stable sensor readings with less noise and jitter However each step of oversampling adds about 2ms to the latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients. Defaults to 2.

  • pressure_osr (int) – Pressure oversampling rate. Allowed values: [None, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]. A higher oversampling value means more stable sensor readings with less noise and jitter However each step of oversampling adds about 2ms to the latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients. Defaults to 4.

  • iir_filter_size (int) – Number of infinite impulse response filter coefficients. Allowed values: [0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127]. It removes short term fluctuations from the temperature and pressure readings (not humidity), increasing their resolution but reducing their bandwidth. Defaults to 3.

  • temperature_offset (int) – Temperature offset, defaults to 0.

  • enable_gas_measurements (bool) – Enable gas measurements, defaults to False.

  • gas_heater_temperature (int) – Set temperature of gas sensor heater [°C], between 200 and 400, defaults to 320.

  • gas_heater_duration (int) – Set duration of gas sensor heater [ms], between 1 and 4032. Approximately 20-30 ms are necessary for the heater to reach the intended target temperature. Defaults to 150.

  • address (hexadecimal) – Physical address of the sensor on the board (see i2cdetect command). Allowed values: [0x76, 0x77]. If None, the environment variable STS1_SENSOR_ADDRESS_BME688 will be used. If environment variable is not found, 0x76 will be used.

  • bus (SMBus) – A SMBus object. If None, this class will generate its own, defaults to None.


sensor = BME688(temperature_osr=8, humidity_osr=2, pressure_osr=4, enable_gas_measurements=True)
t = sensor.get_temperature()
p = sensor.get_pressure()
h = sensor.get_humidity()
heat = sensor.get_heat_stable()
res = sensor.get_gas_resistance()
print(f"{t:.2f} °C, {p:.2f} hPa, {h:.2f} %RH, {heat=}, {res:.2f} Ohms")
property temperature_osr
property humidity_osr
property pressure_osr
property temperature_offset
property iir_filter_size
property enable_gas_measurements
property gas_heater_temperature
property gas_heater_duration

Returns all sensor data. Calling this method after less than 10 ms will return the same (cached) result.


Indicates whether or not the gas resistance value should be read.


Temperature in degree celsius.


Pressure in hPa.


Humidity in % relative humidity.


Gas resistance in Ohms.